Friday, February 21, 2014

Twisted ankle or just excuses?!

As I started my new healthy lifestyle change plan, I obviously wanted to incorporate exercise into it. This is something I have never been good at. Since I was a kid, I remember not doing well in gym class or any other type of sport. I don't know if this is done in the States, but in Puerto Rico elementary schools it is custom to participate in Thanksgiving Day races. I always remember how much I hated it and that I would always finish second to last. Sports and physical activity are just not my thing. On another occasion, I wanted to try out for the volleyball team because I had a friend that was part of it already, and I didn't even pass to the 2nd round of try outs.

In spite of my past experiences, I wanted this to be a change and it had to include exercising. I decided to start the T25 program, which I thought was pretty hardcore for a person like me, but as days went by I felt it wasn't that bad. I wasn't losing more weight than what I would've lost without exercising but I felt really good about myself. I had a lot of energy, I didn't feel sore anymore, and I even was sleeping better. Until last friday... -_-

First, I twisted my ankle during a session about a week ago. It hurt pretty bad at that moment, but the pain went away after a few minutes. Then, last Saturday I was really busy doing stuff around my house and I was really tired to work out. Days went by, and I felt tired and finding motivation to exercise was harder and harder. Two days ago, my ankle for some reason started to hurt again. It hurts to the point that even if I wanted to exercise, I couldn't. Nonetheless, I feel guilty that I'm not pushing hard enough.

I don't know if any of you are like me, but when I set a goal, I have to follow through with it. If I fall down, I stand back up and keep on fighting. I know this will be the same and that eventually I will get back of my feet. But regardless of that, I feel guilty that I'm down. I feel as if I'm just making excuses to not exercise and not really giving my all, which I guess I was. But this stops now, I'm going to take care of my ankle and after that I'm going to start exercising again. We all fall off the wagon once in a while, but we can't let that beat us. We have to push through and try harder. Nothing has been written about cowards, or about those who didn't fight.

So... you keep strong guys, keep healthy!

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